March 4th, 2024

Key technology trends to look out for at MURTEC 2024

As we approach MURTEC 2024, the significance of technology within the restaurant sector remains a pivotal driver of innovation and efficiency. So, what should you look out for at the event?

Ryan Ratner

Ryan Ratner

Product Marketing Manager

Ditto will be exhibiting in Booth 506 this year at MURTEC. Hope to see you there!

As we approach MURTEC 2024, the significance of technology within the restaurant sector remains a pivotal driver of innovation and efficiency. The integration of technology in restaurants has transitioned from an optional enhancement to a core component of operational strategy, and there are no signs that this is slowing down. Increasing consumer expectations for convenience, efficiency, and personalized dining experiences mean that restaurants must continue to double down on innovative technology.

Integrating Automation While Retaining the Human Touch

Automation is transforming the restaurant industry, from kitchen operations to customer service. The challenge and opportunity lie in leveraging automation to enhance efficiency without sacrificing the personalized service that customers value. This balance is crucial for creating memorable dining experiences that blend the best of technology and human interaction.

If this looks interesting to you, be sure to attend this talk on March 12 courtesy of Will Guidara, author of “Unreasonable Hospitality”.

AI-Driven Operational Efficiencies and Personalized Guest Experiences

Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of revolutionizing the restaurant sector. AI enables restaurants to achieve significant operational efficiencies, such as optimizing inventory management and streamlining service workflows. Simultaneously, AI powers personalized guest experiences by analyzing customer data to tailor recommendations and services, making each interaction unique and engaging. When implementing AI and personalized guest experiences at the edge, it's important to address two key challenges:

Can these experiences function seamlessly without the internet? Even a local server isn’t 100% reliable, not to mention tough for backend teams to manage. Just as great guest experiences can increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, the adverse is also true for when these experiences break down. Cloud-optional technology is a good place to start for solutions to these problems.

The other key challenge for your AI implementation goes back to the importance of that human touch. Always ensure that you maintain that human touch that your customers have come to expect from your brand. Any perceived degradation in customer experience can seriously affect brand loyalty.

On Tuesday at 10:30 AM, Robert Dawson from Invotar will dive deeper into this topic. Find out more here.

Moving Beyond Legacy Systems, What Needs to Change?

The evolution of Point of Sale (POS) systems is moving rapidly beyond legacy systems. Not all of today's solutions are flexible enough to:

  • Offer robust functionalities
  • Integrate seamlessly with online ordering platforms and kitchen automation tools
  • Allow for rapid customization to layouts, menus, promotions
  • Provide fast, secure payment options

Key players from Sonny’s Franchise Co. and Starbird Chicken will come together later in the day on Tuesday to discuss how your restaurant infrastructure may need to change to prepare for rapidly changing consumer expectations. Check out the session information here

Your restaurant will need to choose your next POS carefully to accommodate for these critical features. This transition supports more agile, efficient, and customer-focused service models, setting a new standard for restaurant operations. If you want full control over your point of sale system, building it yourself from scratch may be something for your team to look into.

Is the Cloud the Best Solution for Your Restaurant?

The shift away from legacy POS systems towards more flexible, cloud-based platforms is enabling restaurants to adapt more quickly to changing market demands. But these systems have two major flaws: they are inflexible and too reliant on the internet. Point-of-sale systems today are proving to be quite inflexible and especially vulnerable to connection issues. When any part of these complex systems fail, it can take a long time for your restaurant to fully recover.

Our technology has been embedded by multiple point of sale companies as well as top restaurants like Chick-fil-A to ensure that when the internet, cloud, or local server in the restaurant goes down, businesses can still operate. To understand how you can implement resilient peer-to-peer sync into your point of sale, check out our newest whitepaper the Technical Guide to POS at the Edge or reach out to our team for a demo.

Key Workshop You Won't Want to Miss

As mobile devices continue to prove their value in streamlining operations, increasing overall order speed, efficiency, and average unit volume, all while enabling your teams to provide unrivaled customer service, their importance will only grow in 2024 and beyond. If you are interested in learning about how best to implement mobile technology, specifically Apple tech, in your restaurant, you won’t want to miss this interactive workshop taking place Tuesday at 3:30 PM entitled How to Leverage Tech and AI to Increase AUV, Control Costs and Elevate Customer Experience.

Our Presence at MURTEC 2024

Ditto is excited to demonstrate our latest technological advancements at MURTEC 2024. We invite you to Booth 506 where we will be showcasing a fully integrated POS with Ditto, courtesy of our fully deployed customer Spont! Their next-generation point-of-sale system operates completely independently of an internet connection (and yes, even in the low connectivity environment of a tradeshow floor!). We’ll also be giving away rolled ice cream to all visitors, so come place an order - we’re happy to show you how it works!

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