March 4th, 2021

USPTO approves Ditto patent in less than 3 months

Patented technology ushers in new contactless experiences

Ryan Ratner

Ryan Ratner

Product Marketing Manager

Patented Technology Ushers in New Contactless Experiences

We were shocked at how quickly the United States Patent and Trademark Office approved Ditto’s first non-provisional patent application, which Ditto filed on October 19, 2020. US Patent No. 10,931,753B1 entitled “Landing Page Redirect with Synchronized Mini-Server” was approved in less than 3 months on January 4, 2021, and issued about 6 weeks later on February 23, 2021.

The patent issuance alone demonstrates the amazing innovation happening at Ditto, but we thought that the quick approval and issuance was especially remarkable. Even more remarkable is what this technology enables for Ditto's customers not only in the aviation industry, but in many others as well.

The patent relates to communication between client devices, such as mobile phones, and mobile mini-servers. The mini-servers are often iPads but could be any battery-operated devices such as tablets, smartphones, or IoT devices. These mini-servers have bidirectional sync capabilities ensuring that all data from clients remains available even if individual servers become unavailable.

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One application of the patented technology is aboard passenger aircraft. It involves using flight attendant iPads for contactless meal ordering from passenger mobile devices. This technology allows passenger mobile devices to connect directly to a flight attendant's iPad to order food, beverages, and amenities through a landing page. Other flight attendant iPads are then updated almost instantly to ensure consistent data. In addition, passenger devices do not need the airline's app installed. Instead, passengers can directly connect to flight attendant iPads from the web browser.

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“This patent opens up new ways of delivering transformative digital experiences,” says Adam Fish, CEO of Ditto. “For example, a contactless solution for meal order in the aviation industry is a triple threat – better passenger experience, improved crew operations, and revenue-generating. With this patent, we can help airlines provide a critical business offering while also ensuring that passengers are safe and comfortable.”

We are so proud of what the Ditto team has accomplished so far and are even more excited for what will come next. If you want regular updates on what we are working on, please fill out the form in the footer below to make sure you don’t miss out. And check out the Ditto Portal if you would like to explore how Ditto technology can help your business deliver better digital experiences to your customers.

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