February 7th, 2023

Streamline your iOS debugging with DittoSwiftTools

DittoSwiftTools are here to boost your Ditto experience and will enable you to deliver increased value to your customers.

Walker Erekson

Walker Erekson

Product Engineer

At Ditto, we're always looking for ways to make your developer experience as smooth and productive as possible. That's why we're excited to announce the release of DittoSwiftTools, a Swift package that contains powerful diagnostic tools to help you diagnose and debug Ditto within your iOS app.

Want to get started right away? Check out the DittoSwiftTools GitHub repo to get started.

What's included in DittoSwiftTools?

With DittoSwiftTools, you'll have access to four essential diagnostic tools:

1. Presence Viewer

Visualize your Ditto mesh network with a mesh graph that shows all connected peers and the transports they are using to connect to each other.

Presence Viewer

2. Data Browser

View collections and documents in your Ditto store, and observe any changes to a document's properties in real-time.


Collections Tasks

3. Log Export

Easily export debug logs for your applications, even when running in non-debug mode, allowing you to diagnose issues quickly.


4. Disk Usage

Further your understanding of Ditto's file space usage by unlocking greater insight into how much space various parts of Ditto are using.

Disk Usage

How to Get Started with DittoSwiftTools?

Getting started with DittoSwiftTools is easy! Simply follow the steps outlined in the README located here to install and use each of the tools within your existing iOS application. To start building an iOS app with Ditto, check out the following link for installation instructions.

DittoSwiftTools are here to boost your Ditto experience and will enable you to deliver increased value to your customers. Its powerful diagnostic tools make diagnosing and debugging your applications a breeze, offering greater insight and control. Don't wait any longer - start using DittoSwiftTools today!

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